Modern Parallel and Distributed Python: A Quick Tutorial on Ray

Robert Nishihara blog, Distributed Systems, Open Source, Systems, Uncategorized 0 Comments

Ray is an open source project for parallel and distributed Python. This article was originally posted here. Parallel and distributed computing are a staple of modern applications. We need to leverage multiple cores or multiple machines to speed up applications or to run them at a large scale. The infrastructure for crawling the web and responding to search queries are not single-threaded programs running on someone’s laptop but rather collections of services that communicate and interact with one another. This post will describe how to use Ray to easily build applications that can scale from your laptop to a large cluster. Why Ray? Many tutorials explain how to use Python’s multiprocessing module. Unfortunately the multiprocessing module is severely limited in…

What Is the Role of Machine Learning in Databases?

Zongheng Yang blog, Database Systems, Deep Learning, Systems 0 Comments

(This article was authored by Sanjay Krishnan, Zongheng Yang, Joe Hellerstein, and Ion Stoica.) What is the role of machine learning in the design and implementation of a modern database system? This question has sparked considerable recent introspection in the data management community, and the epicenter of this debate is the core database problem of query optimization, where the database system finds the best physical execution path for an SQL query. The au courant research direction, inspired by trends in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Robotics, is to apply deep learning; let the database learn the value of each execution strategy by executing different query plans repeatedly (an homage to Google’s robot “arm farm”) rather through a pre-programmed analytical…

SQL Query Optimization Meets Deep Reinforcement Learning

Zongheng Yang blog, Database Systems, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Systems 0 Comments

We show that deep reinforcement learning is successful at optimizing SQL joins, a problem studied for decades in the database community.  Further, on large joins, we show that this technique executes up to 10x faster than classical dynamic programs and 10,000x faster than exhaustive enumeration.  This blog post introduces the problem and summarizes our key technique; details can be found in our latest preprint, Learning to Optimize Join Queries With Deep Reinforcement Learning. SQL query optimization has been studied in the database community for almost 40 years, dating all the way back from System R’s classical dynamic programming approach.  Central to query optimization is the problem of join ordering.  Despite the problem’s rich history, there is still a continuous stream…

Michael I. Jordan: Artificial Intelligence — The Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet

Kattt Atchley blog 0 Comments

(This article has originally been published on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the mantra of the current era. The phrase is intoned by technologists, academicians, journalists and venture capitalists alike. As with many phrases that cross over from technical academic fields into general circulation, there is significant misunderstanding accompanying the use of the phrase. But this is not the classical case of the public not understanding the scientists — here the scientists are often as befuddled as the public. The idea that our era is somehow seeing the emergence of an intelligence in silicon that rivals our own entertains all of us — enthralling us and frightening us in equal measure. And, unfortunately, it distracts us. There is a different narrative that one can…