Background: In an earlier blog post, we described a system called Anna, which used a shared-nothing, thread-per-core architecture to achieve lightning-fast speeds by avoiding all coordination mechanisms. Anna also used lattice composition to enable a rich variety of coordination-free consistency levels. The first version of Anna blew existing in-memory KVSes out of the water: Anna is up to 700x faster than Masstree, an earlier state-of-the-art research KVS, and up to 800x faster than Intel’s “lock-free” TBB hash table. You can find the previous blog post here and the full paper here. We refer to that version of Anna as “Anna v0.” In this post, we describe how we extended the fastest KVS in the cloud to be extremely cost-efficient and…
Blog Posts
Announcing Ground v0.1
We’re excited to be releasing v0.1 of the Ground project! Ground is a data context service. It is a central repository for all the information surrounding the use of data in an organization. Ground concerns itself with what data an organization has, where that data is, who (both human beings and software systems) is touching that data, and how that data is being modified and described. Above all, Ground aims to be an open-source, vendor neutral system that provides users an unopinionated metamodel and set of APIs that allow them to think about and interact with data context generated in their organization. Ground has many use cases, but we’re focused on two specific ones at present: Data Inventory: large organizations…