Two RISE Startups make list of “47 Enterprise Startups to Bet Your Career On in 2020”

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DataBricks and Anyscale made Business Insider’s list of “47 enterprise startups to bet your career on in 2020.”

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Anyscale is the latest startup to come out of RISELab. A note from Anyscale co-founder and RISELab director Ion Stoica:

Anyscale is the future of distributed computing. Founded by the creators of Ray, an open source project from the UC Berkeley RISELab, Anyscale enables developers of all skill levels to easily build applications that run at any scale, from a laptop to a data center. Anyscale empowers organizations to bring AI applications to production faster, reduce development costs, and eliminate the need for in-house expertise to deploy and manage these applications. Backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Anyscale is based in Berkeley, CA.

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