RISE Seminar 10/5/18: Building a broad knowledge graph for products, a talk by Xin Luna Dong
October 5, 2018 —
Title: Building a broad knowledge graph for products
Speaker: Xin Luna Dong
Affiliation: Amazon
Date and location: Friday, October 5, 12:30 – 1:30 pm; Wozniak Lounge (430 Soda Hall)
Knowledge graphs have been used to support a wide range of applications and enhance search results for multiple major search engines, such as Google and Bing. At Amazon we are building a Product Graph, an authoritative knowledge graph for all products in the world. The thousands of product verticals we need to model, the vast number of data sources we need to extract knowledge from, the huge volume of new products we need to handle every day, and the various applications in Search, Discovery, Personalization, Voice, that we wish to support, all present big challenges in constructing such a graph.
In this talk we describe our efforts in building a broad product graph, a graph that starts shallow with core entities and relationships, and allows easily adding verticals and relationships in a pay-as-you-go fashion. We describe our efforts on knowledge extraction, linkage, and cleaning to significantly improve the coverage and quality of product knowledge. We also present our progress towards our moon-shot goals including harvesting knowledge from the web, hands-off-the-wheel knowledge integration and cleaning, human-in-the-loop knowledge learning, and graph mining and graph-enhanced search.
Xin Luna Dong is a Principal Scientist at Amazon, leading the efforts of constructing Amazon Product Knowledge Graph. She was one of the major contributors to the Google Knowledge Vault project, and has led the Knowledge-based Trust project, which is called the “Google Truth Machine” by Washington’s Post. She has co-authored book “Big Data Integration”, got the VLDB Early Career Research Contribution Award for “advancing the state of the art of knowledge fusion”, and got the Best Demo award in Sigmod 2005. She serves in VLDB endowment and PVLDB advisory committee, and is the PC co-chair for ICDE Industry 2019, VLDB Tutorial 2019, Sigmod 2018 and WAIM 2015.